The CSA welcomes you to the newly formed Water Treatment homepage.
Note: Pre-Commission Cleaning is well known in the industry as "Water Treatment". All grades are therefore shown as Water Treatment.
This page gives you access to our Water Treatment specific resources, as detailed below:
Training & Career Development Handbook - View Online
This provides a framework to enable trainees, technicians, and engineers in our industry to fully realise their potential in the Pre-Commission Cleaning / Water treatment Industry. It also identifies how that framework can help develop and provide evidence of their competence in the field.
Pathway of Development - View Online
This is split into 2 parallel pathways, Academic and Distance Learning. These give a visualisation of the different grading levels, the available entry points on both pathways along with the necessary requirements needed to apply for each individual grade. This information cross refers to the Job Description requirements stated within the Training & Career Development Handbook.
Distance Learning Courses (purchase required) - Buy Online
Our three Water Treatment Distance Learning Courses (DLCs) are designed to complement the experience that should be obtained via on-the-job training. They are tailored to each grade to provide additional knowledge on health & safety, risk awareness, standard procedures and good practises on processes. Each course comprises of a number of modules, each of which forms an integral part of the course. They are designed to ensure those enrolled can carry out their day-to-day activities safely, minimizing risk to themselves or others and improving their overall understanding of the process.
Each DLC module also contains homework sections and completion examinations (the examinations are independently hosted) Part A is available now and Parts B and C will be available very soon.
The training material has been accredited by the BESA and the CSA has fully aligned the water treatment grades to reflect the applicable SKILLcard colour.
Online Application
The Water Treatment online application form can be used to start your application today!
Water Treatment Training or Application Queries If you have read the available information and you still have water treatment application queries, please contact our office via offica@csa, who will assist you.