Page 3 - CSA INDEX - Sprin Summer 2020
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Jules’ News continued...

        Upgrading your Individual Membership
        This seems to be something that our Individual members don’t quite understand, as many join sit on the grade they are
        originally awarded i.e. Grade 1 2 or 3 even though they have been in the industry with hands-on commissioning experience
        for many years. All you need to do is e-mail the CSA office asking for an upgrade and attach your current full CV which goes
        to our Assessment Panel for approval and upgrading (it’s as simple as that!)

        Grade 4 Technical & Theory Examinations (May & October annually)
        This exam is held twice yearly and consists of a 2 hour Technical exam and 1 hour Theory exam – we supply every candidate
        with a copy of the “Mock” Grade 4 paper which gives examples of the type of questions asked. Once you pass both Technical
        and Theory exams you are automatically awarded a CSA Grade 4 membership. Please note – you MUST be an Individual
        member to take this exam and have the required commissioning experience which is 7 years or see “Path of Development”
        on CSA website. (The Grade 4 Individual membership is the “benchmark” of the CSA).

        Grade 5 Thesis – A Guide
        If you are planning on writing a CSA thesis please take the following documents into consideration::
                 - Read the CSA Grade 5 Thesis – A Guide (available via CSA website)
                 - Read the Training and career development handbook (Grade 5 Thesis, Page 16) (available via CSA website)
                 - Read through fellow members’ Thesis (available via CSA website)

        Almost without exception, all first thesis synopsis drafts received do not follow a thesis pathway. This inevitably leads to
        re-jection of thesis synopsis and time wasted for the student, the marker and takes up valuable CSA office staff time.

        The most common mistakes are to pick a subject matter and simply describe the subject or to have a generic thesis topic.
        The CSA have provided a clear pathway for a Thesis as defined as:
                 - an opinion supported by reasoned argument
                 - a proposition put forward for consideration (especially one to be discussed and proved or to be maintained
                    against ob-jections)

        By reading and adhering to the above guidance and requirements this will greatly reduce the time required to produce the
        thesis and synopsis.

        As a further checkpoint and before submitting your thesis synopsis for approval, the CSA have created a quick check
        guidance process flow chart “Thesis synopsis approval guide” that will help fast track approval time.

                Distance Learning                                    NEXT GRADE 4 EXAM
                 Courses A, B & C                                   Saturday 3rd October 2020

           Well Done to those listed below who                      Due to Covid-19 the Grade 4 Exam scheduled
           have recently passed the DLC tests.                      for 16th May has been postponed.

           DLC A         Mark Paton, Daniel Newton, Robert Lynch,   The date of the next Grade 4 Exam will
                               Joseph Berry, Alex Bullimore, Josh Charlton,
                               Bradley Harrison, Thomas Meehan,     be Saturday 3rd October, please e-mail
                               Nathan Smith, Daniel Newton, Stuart Shrubb,
                               Matthew Riley                        me if you want to book yourself on the
           DLC B          Kevin Wood, Steven Gomm, Ben Greenland    exam.
           DLC C          Robbie McNeice, Robbie Maiden

        Julie Parker – CSA Secretary          CSA SOCIAL MEDIA PLEASE REMEMBER: #CSAHORSHAM
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