Page 4 - CSA INDEX - Winter 2019
P. 4

BSRIA BRIEFING - A Climate Change

       Held 15TH NOVEMBER at The BREWERY

       The  CSA  again  sponsored  the
       annual  BSRIA  Briefing  entitled  “A
       Climate Change.”

       It was a very enjoyable event where
       Alan  Gilbert  and  his  team  from
       BSRIA Instrument Solutions made
       us all very welcome.

       There were some excellent speakers
       with special guest speaker, double
       Olympic  gold  medallist  and  BBC
       sports personality of the year Dame
       Kelly Holmes.

                                                                                Kelly  surprised  the  exhibitors  by
                                                                                visiting  all  the  stands  and  was
                                                                                interested in what the CSA was all

                                                                                The  event  was  followed  by  a  3
                                                                                course luncheon and networking.

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